Is Mango Acidic?

Published February 15, 2024

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. After endulging on a weekend dinner out, we finish the meal with caffiene, Alcohol or even something inocuous like a peppermint Chocolate. Spoiler alert, all of these contribute to Acid reflux and Heartburn. But what can you eat, or enjoy that doesn’t cause or contribute to Acid reflux?

Could there be something healthy, nutrious and delicous that fits the bill? So is mango acidic? Understanding the acidity levels of mango is crucial in determining its impact on acid reflux and heartburn. Ripe mangoes are generally lower in acid compared to citrus fruits , and acidic fruits like lemons and oranges. However, let’s take a closer look to verify if mango is indeed a suitable choice for those dealing with these conditions and look at mango acidity levels. You can also read about more health benefits here on webmd.

To help shed light on this topic, I have reviewed the nutritional profile of mangoes, their pH levels, and even their potential immune-boosting properties. Additionally, I’ll share tips on how to select and enjoy mangoes safely, as well as an enticing mango smoothie recipe designed specifically for individuals with heartburn.

But first, let’s dig into the acidity levels of mango and its potential impact on acid reflux. Shall we?


Is Mango Good for Acid Reflux?

Certain foods can stimulate acid reflux, and it’s important to identify which fruits are suitable for individuals with these conditions. Ripe mangoes have a lower acidity level compared to other fruits, making them a potentially good choice for those with acid reflux. Understanding the acidity levels of mango and its impact on acid reflux can help determine if it can be beneficial in managing these conditions.

Acid reflux is a common digestive condition that can cause discomfort and heartburn. Managing the diet is often an important aspect of reducing symptoms. While some fruits can aggravate acid reflux due to their high acidity levels, mangoes have a relatively lower acidity level, making them a potentially suitable choice.

Unlike citrus fruits, which are known for their high acidity, mangoes have a milder flavor and are generally well-tolerated by individuals with acid reflux. This is because ripe mangoes typically have a pH level between 3.4 and 6.7, which is considered low to moderately acidic. This acidity level is generally well-tolerated by individuals with acid reflux.

While the acidity of mangoes can vary depending on factors such as the ripeness and variety of the fruit, they are not classified as high acid fruits. This makes mangoes a viable option for inclusion in a diet aimed at managing acid reflux.

It’s important to note that the impact of mangoes on acid reflux can vary from individual to individual. Some people may find that consuming mangoes triggers symptoms, while others may tolerate them well. It’s always best to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns about incorporating mangoes into your acid reflux diet.Are Mangoes Acidic with PH chart

In summary, while mangoes have acidity levels, they are not considered high acid fruits. Ripe mangoes with their lower acidity can be a potentially good choice for individuals with acid reflux. 

The Nutritional Profile of Mangoes

In addition to their potential impact on acid reflux, mangoes are incredibly nutritious, offering a wide range of health benefits. Understanding the nutritional profile of mangoes can shed light on their positive effects on overall well-being.

Vitamin Content in Different Stages of Ripeness

Mangoes are particularly rich in vitamins, with vitamin C being one of the most prominent. This potent antioxidant plays a vital role in supporting the immune system and promoting skin health. Interestingly, the vitamin content in mangoes can vary depending on the stage of ripeness. As the fruit ripens, the vitamin content increases, making fully ripe mangoes an excellent source of essential nutrients.

Fiber: A Key Component for Digestive Health

In addition to vitamins, mangoes are a great source of dietary fiber. Fiber plays a crucial role in aiding digestion and maintaining a healthy digestive system. Including mangoes in your diet can help improve bowel movements, prevent constipation, and support overall digestive health.

Antioxidants in Mangoes and Their Skin Benefits

Mangoes also contain a variety of antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that help protect the body against cellular damage caused by harmful free radicals. These antioxidants contribute to overall health and wellness and have been shown to have significant skincare benefits when applied topically. Including mangoes in your diet or using mango-based skincare products can help improve the health and appearance of your skin.

nutritional profile of mangoes

Is Mango Acidic? Exploring the pH Levels

Understanding the pH levels of mangoes is crucial in determining their acidity. While ripe mangoes have a lower acidity level compared to other fruits, it’s important to explore the acidity of dried mangoes and frozen mangoes. as preperation is key in determining mango PH level.

Are Dried Mangoes Acidic?

Dried mangoes may have a higher acidity level due to the drying process. The water content in the fruit decreases during drying, which can result in a concentration of acids. This may lead to a higher acidity level in dried mangoes compared to their fresh counterparts. So the fruit acidity levels are higher.

Are Frozen Mangoes Acidic?

Frozen mangoes, on the other hand, may undergo minimal changes in pH levels after the freezing process so the acidity of the mango is unchanged. Freezing mangoes helps preserve their freshness and nutritional value to a great extent. While the freezing process may not significantly alter the acidity levels, it’s essential to consider the overall quality and taste of frozen mangoes.


Mango – An Ally for Your Immune System

In addition to its potential impact on acid reflux and heartburn, mango can also be beneficial for the immune system. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C, a potent antioxidant that plays a crucial role in boosting immunity. Vitamin C helps stimulate the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and viruses.

But mangoes offer more than just vitamin C. They also contain immune-boosting minerals that contribute to the body’s defense system. Some of these minerals include:

  • Copper: Copper plays a key role in the production of red and white blood cells, enhancing immune function.
  • Iron: Iron is necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system and helps prevent anemia.

By incorporating mangoes into your diet, you can provide your body with a delicious and natural way to support your immune system’s health.

MineralAmount per 100g of Mango
Copper0.110 mg
Iron0.14 mg

How to Select and Enjoy Mangoes Safely

Selecting ripe mangoes is essential to ensure optimal taste and quality. When choosing mangoes, look for these sensory clues:

Identifying a Ripe Mango: Sensory Clues

  • Color: Ripe mangoes have vibrant colors like orange, yellow, or red. Avoid green or excessively dark mangoes.
  • Firmness: Gently squeeze the mango. It should have a slight give without being too soft or mushy.
  • Aroma: Sniff near the stem end. A ripe mango will have a sweet, fragrant aroma.

By considering these sensory clues, you can confidently select mangoes that are at their peak of ripeness.

Best Practices for Mango Consumption

In addition to selecting ripe mangoes, it’s important to follow these best practices for safe mango consumption:

  1. Washing: Before eating, wash the mango thoroughly under running water to remove any dirt or contaminants.
  2. Peeling: Use a sharp knife to peel the skin off the mango, being careful not to cut into the juicy flesh.
  3. Cutting: Slice the mango lengthwise on either side of the large seed, then cut the flesh into desired pieces.
  4. Storing: If you’re not consuming the entire mango, store the cut pieces in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

By following these best practices, you can enjoy mangoes safely while maximizing their delicious flavor and nutritional benefits.

Selecting Ripe Mangoes

Sensory ClueSignificance
ColorRipe mangoes have vibrant colors like orange, yellow, or red.
FirmnessA ripe mango should have a slight give without being too soft or mushy.
AromaA ripe mango will have a sweet, fragrant aroma near the stem end.

Unripe Mangoes: A Source of Health or Trouble?

While ripe mangoes are commonly consumed, unripe mangoes also have their own unique characteristics and potential health benefits. Green mangoes, in particular, have been used in traditional medicine for various purposes. Green mangoes are known for their tart and tangy flavor, and they have a distinct crunchiness that sets them apart from ripe mangoes.

In traditional medicine, green mangoes are believed to have therapeutic properties and are used to treat various ailments. They are often used to alleviate gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea and constipation. The high fiber content in green mangoes can help regulate bowel movements and improve digestion. Additionally, the presence of certain enzymes in unripe mangoes is believed to aid in reducing inflammation and strengthening the immune system.

However, it’s important to note that unripe mangoes may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with dietary restrictions. Managing mango intake with dietary restrictions is crucial to ensure a balanced and healthy diet. Individuals with conditions like diabetes or kidney problems may need to limit their consumption of mangoes, both ripe and unripe, due to their sugar and potassium content. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your diet.

Mango Smoothies for Heartburn Recipe

Incorporating mangoes into a heartburn-friendly smoothie can be a delicious way to enjoy this tropical fruit while managing acid reflux or heartburn. By blending together mangoes with other alkaline and neutral ingredients, you can create a refreshing and soothing mango smoothie designed to provide relief for individuals with these conditions. The natural sweetness of mangoes adds flavor to the smoothie, while the combination of ingredients helps restore the natural pH balance in the body.

Mango, Spinach and Kale Smoothie

  1. Slice and peel a ripe mango.
  2. Add the mango to a blender along with a cup of plain yogurt and a tablespoon of honey.
  3. For added benefit, include a handful of spinach or kale for their alkalizing properties.
  4. Blend all the ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  5. If desired, add a few ice cubes to make the smoothie more refreshing.

This mango smoothie can be enjoyed as a breakfast or snack option, providing a nutritious and heartburn-friendly alternative to acidic beverages. Incorporating mangoes into your diet can offer a host of nutritional benefits, including vitamins and antioxidants that support overall health. (Other Mango Smoothie recipes I love)

Mango Smoothie perfectly balanced PH


In conclusion, mangoes are a great choice for individuals managing acid reflux or heartburn. Compared to other fruits, mangoes have lower acidity levels, making them potentially suitable for those with these conditions. By incorporating mangoes into one’s diet, individuals can enjoy their numerous benefits.

Mangoes not only provide a delicious and tropical flavor but also offer a variety of nutritional advantages. They are rich in vitamins, including vitamin C, which plays a vital role in boosting immunity. Additionally, mangoes contain beneficial antioxidants and dietary fiber, promoting digestive health.

I also included one of my favourite recipes which while mixing in other fruits and vegetables can drop the PH even more letting you enjoy Mango while making it an even safer choice for your gut!


Is mango acidic?

Ripe mangoes have a lower acidity level compared to other fruits.

Will mango help with acid reflux or heartburn?

Mangoes are potentially suitable for individuals with acid reflux or heartburn due to their lower acidity levels.

What is the nutritional profile of mangoes?

Mangoes are rich in vitamins, particularly vitamin C, and are a good source of dietary fiber. They also contain antioxidants with skincare benefits when applied topically.

How does the vitamin content in mangoes change as they ripen?

The vitamin content in mangoes can vary depending on the stage of ripeness.

Why is fiber important in mangoes?

Fiber in mangoes is essential for digestive health.

Do mangoes have antioxidant properties?

Mangoes contain antioxidants that offer numerous benefits, including skincare benefits when applied topically.

What are the pH levels of mangoes?

Ripe mangoes have a lower acidity level, but further exploration is needed for dried mangoes and frozen mangoes.

Are dried mangoes acidic?

The drying process can increase the acidity level of dried mangoes.

Are frozen mangoes acidic?

Frozen mangoes may undergo minimal changes in pH levels after the freezing process.

How can mangoes be beneficial for the immune system?

Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C and contain minerals like copper and iron that contribute to immune defense.

What are the best practices for selecting and enjoying mangoes safely?

Sensory clues can help identify ripe mangoes, and proper washing and storing techniques ensure safe consumption.

What are the potential health benefits of unripe mangoes?

Unripe mangoes, particularly green mangoes, have been used in traditional medicine for various purposes.

How can individuals manage their mango intake with dietary restrictions?

Individuals with dietary restrictions should carefully consider their mango intake to ensure it aligns with their specific needs.

Can mango smoothies help with heartburn?

Mango smoothies designed for heartburn relief can provide a refreshing and soothing option for individuals with heartburn.

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About the author

Sammy recently graduated with a Degree in English literature, she works part time for Kapnos Dining Club, reviewing the latest products both food and drink in the Grocery stores, as well as helping Noel edit and photograph the latest recipes.

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