Published June 12, 2024

Since I was a child, I have always been a die-hard fan of Dr. Pepper. Consequently, when I learnt about the new variety called Dr. Pepper Creamy Coconut, I was desperate to taste it. The idea of combining creamy coconut with the traditional flavor of Dr. Pepper seemed interesting as well as refreshing me.

Now let’s dive into taste, ingredients and overall experience of this unique flavor in my review. Long-standing fans of Dr Pepper or people who are just eager to try out new flavors join me!

Creamy coconut

First Impressions

Appearance wise, I was captivated by its sleek, tropically themed look. It had a design with bright colors and images of coconuts which suggested it would taste different from the normal Dr Pepper. As someone who has loved Dr Pepper for so long, I was super keen to try the flavor of this new addition to their range.

Opening the can, a familiar inviting scent of Dr Pepper mixed with a hint of coconut gave it an exotic feel.

This soft drink’s dark rich hue poured out just like the original did and looked every bit as appealingly beautiful. Having high expectations I  took my first sip to decide whether the creamed coconut would complement or overpower the famous flavors associated with Dr Pepper. 

Taste and Flavor Profile

Delightfully surprising, the first sip of Dr Pepper’s Creamy Coconut revealed a light smooth taste. The flavor of Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut maintains a nice balance between classic Dr Pepper taste as well as adds smooth coconut flavors to it. Just like that, when I tasted Dr Peppers 23 flavors on my tongue the creamy flavor of coconuts got subtly mixed. With coconut providing its tropical essence and complementing the sweetness in each sip, I could have been sitting on a beach somewhere!

Key Ingredients

Key ingredients include carbonated water, high fructose corn syrup, natural and artificial flavors, caramel color, phosphoric acid, and sodium benzoate. Natural coconut flavor has been added to the mix for a tropical twist.

A 12-ounce can of Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut has 150 calories per serving, 40 grams of sugar per serving and contains 40 milligrams of sodium per serving. This tasty drink is sweet and refreshing; it is ideal for people who are interested in trying out something different while having their best old-time beverage.

Comparison with other Flavors of Dr Pepper

Dr. Pepper Coconut Cream is unlike other flavors of Dr. Pepper. It has a smooth and tropical twist instead of the original’s 23-flavor mixture. When comparing Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut to other flavors like Dr Pepper Cherry or Dr Pepper Vanilla, this one really stands out. While I enjoy the Cherry variety, there is something luxurious and exotic about coconut which makes this soo good. This unique blend sets it apart, making it a must-try for those looking to explore new and exciting variations of their favorite soda.

Customer Reviews of Dr Pepper Creamy coconut

Customer reviews for Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut have been very good. Many people who like the original flavor of Dr Pepper were happy with this new one because it is still their favorite with a coconut twist. The blend between creamy coconut and the traditional 23 flavors of Dr Pepper makes for an amazing taste.

According to reviewers’ opinions of what they think about Dr Pepper Creamy Coconut, one thing that keeps coming up is how well balanced sweet/spicy notes from the original are with smooth tropical essences provided by coconuts. It’s not too strong so that you can’t taste any other flavor in there but also doesn’t lack coconutty goodness either – allowing the classic Dr Pepper soda pop flavor to stand out.

There were also many different thoughts shared regarding this particular beverage choice – both fans who had been drinking Dr Pepper forever versus those who had just tried it for the first time, both sides loved this new flavor!

Some people said they weren’t sure if coconut would go well with soda but ended up liking it anyway. The overall consensus seems to be that people really enjoyed the flavor.

From Reddit: “Major hints of coconut. Almost reminds me of Malibu rum mixed with Dr. Pepper. It actually doesn’t taste bad at all to me”

“I saw this in a center aisle display at Walmart several days ago, and I normally don’t buy name brand because it’s so expensive, but I couldn’t NOT try this. 

“As someone who normally only drinks a soda a day tops…I had 3 the first day. It’s my new favorite flavor!”

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About the author

Sammy recently graduated with a Degree in English literature, she works part time for Kapnos Dining Club, reviewing the latest products both food and drink in the Grocery stores, as well as helping Noel edit and photograph the latest recipes.

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What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. Nice one Sammy! I tried Dr. Pepper Creamy Coconut and loved it! The coconut flavor is nice and mixes well with the original taste. I will buy it again!

  2. I tried Dr. Pepper Creamy Coconut and was really disappointed. The coconut flavor was way too strong and made the drink taste weird. I love the original Dr. Pepper, but this one is just not good.

  3. Can’t find it anywhere!!! A big joke !!! Even tried ordering it from Amazon!!! They can’t deliver it to my Address!!!

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