Starry soda Pepsi

Last Updated on June 28, 2024

Published March 7, 2024

If you have lived on planet earth for more than a few years you would have heard of Sierra Mist, the strangely named soda from Pepsi. Well Pepsi canned it (excuse the pun) back in Jan 9th 2023 according to Wikipedia.

Meanwhile with a slight overlap they brought out their newest creation Starry soda. But what is starry soda? and we wanted to find out is, is it good, or just a rebrand of the old Sierra mist, but first why?

Sierra Mist had been on a long term decline and in 2021 sales fell off a cliff. According to Statistica dropping 21%. I can’t find the 2022 sales numbers in my research but I am guessing the decline continued and the decision was likely made to relaunch the product.

Annual sales of Sierra Mist had been less than 20% of the highest selling fizzy lemony limey drink Sprite at $6 billion annually, from Pepsi’s biggest competitor Coca-cola. So that’s the why covered!

So lets get into it, is Starry soda good, or just fancy labelling on an old product, and how does it compare to the market leaders.

starry sweet packaging

Introducing Starry Soda: Pepsi’s Latest Lemon-Lime Entrant

“With Starry, we were able to create a game-changing recipe with the perfect balance of lemon-lime flavor and sweetness compared to the competition,” PepsiCo R&D vice prez Danielle Barbaro announced via PR Newswire.

So that is who makes starry soda, as the beverage industry continues to evolve, Pepsi introduced a new lemon-lime soda to its lineup: Starry Soda. This refreshing carbonated drink aims to captivate the taste buds of soda enthusiasts with its unique flavor profile and enticing branding. But is it good?

Starry Soda Review: A Taste Test Comparison

starry soda taste test

So what does starry soda taste like? I mean yes. It is good. As far as any lemon lime drink is. I compared it to 7up and Sprite . I think it flows slightly more on the lime than the lemon, which actually I really like. I love a lime in my cocktails, or my Corona so a slightly more lime taste than lemon is a win for me.  Also it almost felt a bit less sweet than Sprite and 7up, a bit drier perhaps.

But honestly you would have to be tasting them right next to each other to really remember the difference.

Truly if I was going to grab one of these drinks, I think Starry Soda would get picked. However in a dark night during a Zombie apocalypse if I grabbed the wrong one, would I really be able to tell. I doubt it? All three use similar ingredients, so it comes down to branding and packaging in the store.

On this level I think Starry clinches it, which is what it is all about for Pepsico anyway, a faltering product in Sierra Mist relaunched with a pretty package for Gen Z.

But look, the sugar content as with many of these Soda’s is super super high. But if you are Gen Z you probably don’t care anyway! If you do there is a Starry Soda sugar free version to save the day.

I’d give it a solid 8/10 for taste, and 9/10 for branding! Let us know what you think in the comments below:

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From Sierra Mist to Starry: Why the Sudden Switch?

So as we covered sales numbers were dropping at Pepsico and they were getting smashed by long term rival Coca-cola but was there more to it? The boffs at PepsiCo decided a rebrand and a tweak of the recipe could get them more in front of Gen Z demographic by giving them something fresh and new. The introduction of Starry Soda brings about a significant change in Pepsi’s lemon-lime soda lineup. Simply Pepsi aims to inject new energy and innovation into their lemon-lime soda category.

Sierra Mist lawsuit

According to a well-known TikToker Cierra Mist,  PepsiCo has been suing her in 2022. This went viral and received mixed reactions from netizens. Cierra Mist is famous for being a flight attendant who creates interesting content while using the alias online.

The issue started when she reported PepsiCo, a popular soda brand in America which manufactures Pepsi and its many variants like Sierra Mist took legal action against her, due to her name’s likeness to PepsiCo’s soda Sierra Mist.

In July 2023, Cierra posted a YouTube video saying that she was accused of trademark infringement by the soft drink company. Many people were outraged and left feeling let down by this move from Pepsico. However no official statement was given by Pepsi regarding why they took such an extreme measure leaving everyone curious about what exactly happened. It seems very unlikely this would have been responsible for the rebrand.

The Gen Z Appeal: Targeting a New Audience

One of the key factors behind the creation of Starry Soda is Pepsi’s strategic move to target the Gen Z audience. Gen Zers are digital first, spend a large amount of their time on social, youtube, tiktok and make their buying decisions this way. By relaunching a new pepsi drink targeting this demographic Pepsico planned to outplay the competition.

What is the Availability and Market Presence of Starry Soda?

Starry Soda has been making its presence known in the market, gradually expanding its availability. While initially launched in select regions, this lemon-lime soda is gradually becoming more widely accessible across various markets. Fans of Starry Soda can now find it in supermarkets, convenience stores, and online platforms, making it convenient for consumers to grab a can or bottle of this tantalizing beverage.

Who makes Starry Soda?

Who makes Stary Soda

Behind the creation of Starry Soda stands none other than PepsiCo, the renowned beverage manufacturer. With its wealth of expertise and commitment to quality, PepsiCo is the force driving the production and distribution of Starry Soda. Known for its dedication to crafting refreshing and innovative beverages, PepsiCo brings its signature touch to the creation of this lemon-lime soda, ensuring that each sip of Starry Soda delivers a delightful and satisfying experience.



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About the author

Sammy recently graduated with a Degree in English literature, she works part time for Kapnos Dining Club, reviewing the latest products both food and drink in the Grocery stores, as well as helping Noel edit and photograph the latest recipes.

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What do you think? Agree? Disagree? Let us know in the comments!

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  1. I don’t like this new Starry Soda at all. Feels like it’s just the same old Sierra Mist with a new name. Waste of time.

  2. I don’t like how they just rebranded Sierra Mist. It’s still the same sugary drink, just with a new name and package. Feels like Pepsi is trying to trick us.

  3. This new Starry Soda hardly seems different from Sierra Mist. It’s just marketing hype. Also, suing someone over a name? That’s ridiculous and unfair.

  4. I tried Starry Soda and it’s really good! I like the lime flavor. The new branding is cool too. 8/10 for taste!

  5. Wow, Starry Soda sounds really good! I love lemon-lime drinks and I can’t wait to try this new one from Pepsi. The review makes it sound tasty and the branding looks cool too!

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