Wasabi Mayo

Published June 3, 2024

Who doesn’t like a Burger? The staple of the American diet and one of my favorite indulgent treats. The average Burger has a few key ingredients and the sauce is definately the make it or break it part!  I want to push well beyond a simple ketchup or BBQ sauce. So I have hunted down the top 10 Gourmet sauces to really up your burger Game!

These sauces bring rich and varied tastes – from creamy and salty to sugary and spicy. No matter if you’re into beef or plant-based Burgers, they make every bite exciting.

Imagine wasabi mayo or a tangy chimichurri on your patty. Home-made and full of flavor, these toppings will impress your guests.

Ready to upgrade from plain ketchup and mustard? Let’s jump into the world of unique burger sauces.

The Top 10 Luxury Sauces for Burgers

Here are ten gourmet burger sauces to consider. They transform every hamburger into a work of art because of their distinct tastes. All the ingredients used in making these fancy burger condiments are of high quality.

For a special treat, whether it is a lavish barbecue or just for yourself, you can use these upscale suggestions for burger toppings that will make your meal totally unique. 

Wasabi Mayo

Wasabi Mayo

Wasabi mayo is a spicy sauce that is bold and tasty. It gives your burgers a fiery kick. It consist of creamy mayonnaise and the pungent heat from freshly grated wasabi. When creamy mayo combines with wasabi, it has a very strong flavor. This sauce is great for those who love some hotness; it provides a gratifying burn that stays on the tongue. Wasabi mayo gives an outstanding taste that differentiates whether it’s beef, turkey, or veggie burgers.

To prepare the perfect wasabi mayo, blend 1 tsp. of wasabi paste (or ground wasabi) with 1/2 cup mayonnaise. You can modify this as you prefer. This is a great Wasabi burger recipe.

Bacon Jam

Bacon Jam

Bacon jam is soooo good on top of burger. It brings in a sweet, salty and smoky flavor combination. To prepare it you have to slowly fry bacon with onions, dark sugar, vinegar and spices.

This process gives the sauce a rich complexity. This will completely change your burgers! Like normal jam, the bacon jam is sticky. It goes so well wit the juicy patty of the burger.

The right flavors come from bacon, sugar and vinegar mix. The mixture is perfect – slightly sweet, sour and salty. 

Truffle Aioli

Truffle Aioli

This posh sauce combines mayonnaise and truffle essence. Burgers become more sophisticated with Aioli, it’s as simple as that. A good complement to any burger, be it beef or plant-based is that it gives a gourmet accent.

This sauce will do well at parties or for an extraordinary hamburger. It takes just five minutes to make around sixteen tablespoons of this sauce. It’s great on fries, burgers, vegetables, chips etc and can be adjusted for different dietary needs.

The sauce gets even better when cooled down in a refrigerator.

Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri sauce

Argentinian chimichurri sauce is a spicy and flavorful topping. It is neon green and contains parsley, cilantro, etcetera. The combination results in a tangy condiment that will bring out the best in any burger you make. This recipe serves eight people with Spicy Chimichurri Burgers as the main course. In order to prepare it, you will need several ingredients including parsley, garlic, and white wine vinegar.

The strong flavor of chimichurri contrasts well with burgers. Its herby taste with a touch of acidity creates just the right balance between flavors. 

Kimchi Relish

Kimchi relish

Want a Korean twist to your burgers? You have got to try this delicious Korean-inspired burger topping. It consists of pickled vegetable burger spread, unique seasonings, and veggies. This makes for an interesting spicy kimchi relish recipe.  This probiotic-rich burger sauce adds a hot and sour kimchi burger dressing to it as well. In addition to that, the taste is further enhanced by adding carrots, scallions, and ginger. 

Maple Sriracha Sauce

Maple Sriracha sauce

Think about a sauce for your hamburgers that is both sweet and spicy. This one-of-a-kind sauce combines the heat of sriracha with the sweetness of maple syrup, giving your burger multiple layers of flavor that will leave you craving more.

Its creaminess allows it to spread effortlessly across the patty. The way the sweet maple mixes with the spice from sriracha is something else; it creates a taste that will stay with you forever.

This sauce can go on any kind of burger. Whether it’s made from meat or plants, traditional or new age, this maple sriracha sauce fits right in! If burgers are your thing then give this recipe a shot. To make such a delicious dish mix Ketchup, Rice Wine Vinegar, Soy Sauce, Sriracha, Maple Syrup, Salt Pepper Garlic Powder.

Green Goddess Dressing

Green Goddess sauce

Bring your burgers up a notch with a green goddess dressing. This is a creamy sauce packed full of herbs, including parsley and chives. The fresh green flavor of this sauce will make your burgers burst in your mouth. You can use it on beef, turkey or veggie patties to add an explosion of taste.

Peanut Satay Sauce

Peanut Satay

For your burgers, make a peanut satay sauce with bold Southeast Asian flavors. This creamy, salty condiment combines the richness of peanut butter with ingredients inspired by Thailand like coconut milk, lime juice, soy sauce and fragrant spices. The sauce is thick and flavorful enough to pair well with any juicy burger patty; its smoothness can be offset by some peanuts’ crunchiness creating perfect equilibrium. Use either beef or chicken – or even plant-based substitutes – patties.

Fig and Balsamic Reduction

Fig and Balsamic

Enhance your burgers with fig and balsamic reduction. It blends figs’ sweet taste with the tangy richness of balsamic vinegar. This sauce is sweet and sour at the same time, with a consistency that resembles jam. It’s perfect for any savory burger patty you can think of.

For an elegant twist, use it on beef, turkey or veggie burgers. This topping will take your burger to another level entirely. Make sure you have some top quality ingredients like fresh figs, red wine and balsamic vinegar. Put them all together to get one seriously flavorful sauce.

You should cook this dish for around 45 minutes. Some important steps are seasoning your patty well before cooking it off; caramelizing onions in balsamic until they’re nice and soft then adding them back into the pan with some butter; grilling/frying up that juicy burger (letting rest). The end result? A dish so pretty it could be art – not to mention delicious!.


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About the author

Sammy recently graduated with a Degree in English literature, she works part time for Kapnos Dining Club, reviewing the latest products both food and drink in the Grocery stores, as well as helping Noel edit and photograph the latest recipes.

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