Published May 24, 2024

The Philly cheese steak is an iconic American sandwich characterized by its simple mix of thin slices of meat, melted cheese and a soft roll. The traditional variety is widely regarded as the king of all cheesesteaks due to its modest flavor, although modern times has brought about many different types of sauces that can be used with it. For example, if you love Sriracha mayo, or Cheese Whiz, there are many options out there.

In Philadelphia, where the cheesesteak was born, debates on the best cheese and toppings are common. However, these days it’s all about which sauce should top this famous sandwich. These additions range from BBQ to creamy garlic aioli, bringing extra flavors that give your cheesesteak a unique twist.

Sauces can vary the texture and taste profile of a cheesesteak. In particular, hot sauce can add some fire whereas mushroom gravy gives it that rich savory flavor. Again even simply adding some horseradish sauce may give a nice zingy taste in between the taste of steak and cheese. Furthermore these varieties cater to different tastes thus making it possible for people to customize their dishes depending upon individual preference which makes the Philly Cheesesteak not only delicious but also really varied.

So lets get going as we look at 15 great sauces for your Philly cheese steak. Whether you’re looking for something new or want to stick with the classics; everyone will find something appealing from among these options.

The Ultimate List of Sauces for Philly Cheesesteak

Get ready to discover the ultimate guide to the best sauces for Philly cheesesteak!

Cheese Whiz

Cheese Whiz for Philly

Cheese Whiz is a time-honored sauce alternative for aficionados of Philly cheesesteak. Its creamy, tangy nature makes it a natural complement to the tender beef and onions of this sandwich. MacArthur’s or home, you have to use Cheese whiz when making these sandwiches.

Though some prefer homemade philly cheesesteak sauce, there is something about that signature bright yellow Cheez Whiz, It stands out in many households across America with its bright yellow jar. Its consistency is so smooth that spreading it over warm bread is a sinch; and it goes so well with caramelized onions as well as the tender beef.  

Provolone Cheese Sauce

provolone cheese sauce for philly cheesesteak

Provolo is a top sauce for Philly Cheesesteak. This creamy delicacy of melted Provolone cheese enriches the sandwich with more creaminess and tang. To take your cheesesteak to another level, you can make it yourself or buy ready-made Provolone Cheese Sauce.

A classic recipe for provolone cheese sauce is something you cannot afford to miss if you are one of those people who love the original taste of a Philly cheesesteak. With both traditional provolone cheese that has been melted and other ingredients such as butter, milk among others seasonings; this homemade sauce will be an excellent accompaniment to savory elements of this sandwich.

There are also pre-made provolone cheese sauces available at some stores for those who look for convenience. All you need to do is heat up the sauce and pour over your steak whenever you want some cheesy goodness!

American Cheese Sauce

american cheese sauce for philly cheesesteak

There are two main ways to add American Cheese Sauce into your Philly cheesesteak. The cheese can be melted into the steak and onions while they are still warm to make a thick creamy coating. Or another option is making homemade cheese sauce. It’s dead easy, you only need to heat the cheese with some butter and milk until it is soft and then pour on top of your cooked onion and meat.

Whichever way you choose you’ll end up with an extremely tasty, cheesy and fulfilling sandwich.

In case you like the taste of less sharp cheese, white American cheese may be used. If you prefer more intense flavor, go for sharp yellow American cheese. It is also possible to put spices or herbs in this American Cheese Sauce in order to perfect its taste. For instance I like to use garlic powder, paprika or add a little hot sauce just as a hint of spiciness.

Garlic Aioli

garlic aioli for philly cheesesteak

Garlic Aioli is one of my favorites! It’s a flavorful and zesty sauce that can add a unique twist to your Philly cheesesteak. Made with garlic, mayonnaise, and a hint of lemon juice, this creamy and tangy aioli can provide a burst of freshness and enhance the flavors of the steak, onions, and peppers. 

Horseradish Sauce

Horseradish Sauce for Philly Cheesesteak

Again another favorite when I am feeling like I need the burning sensation! If you want to give it a distinctively bold and tangy taste, then the horseradish sauce is the best choice. Prepared from horseradish, mayonnaise and a few drops of lemon juice, this sauce is explosive on its own but also serves as a perfect accompaniment for cheese steak.

Horseradish sauce is well known for its tart flavor thus making it a preferred condiment among those who enjoy Philadelphia’s popular sandwich. The specific taste of horseradish together with silky smooth mayo and fresh citrus tang makes this dressing have that extra zing that I enjoy so much!

Peppercorn Ranch

peppercorn ranch for philly cheesesteak

Peppercorn Ranch is a flavor booster that you ought to consider when preparing your Philly cheesesteak. This dressing is smooth and tart, it has typical elements of ranch but some ground black pepper corns add some heat.

The steak is cooked till tender, then sliced and served on a bun with sautéed onions and melted cheese topped with creamy Peppercorn Ranch. The sauce’s creaminess perfectly blends with the meaty texture of steaks and caramelized onions’ sweetness hence giving an excellent combination of flavors.

It doesn’t just go well with the traditional ingredients for Philly cheesesteak but also works for variations of this classic sandwich. For example, if you like to put bell peppers or mushrooms in your cheesesteak or have it made by using different kinds of cheese, this sauce can be adapted to fit any flavor combo.

Peppercorn Ranch is going to make your Philly cheesesteak outstanding during game day gathering, nice lunch or a tasty dinner when you want to give yourself as a treat.

Spicy Mayo

Spicy Mayo on cheese steak

When a Philly cheesesteak calls for more taste, spicy mayo has the zing. A blend of creamy mayonnaise and hot sauce results in an all-round flavor experience that delights the senses.

Spicy Mayo also adds just the right amount of spiciness to balance out other flavors such as that of steak, onions, and cheese in a cheesesteak sandwich. 

You might want to include some slices of avocado or guacamole along with your Philly cheesesteak layered with this spicy mayo if you’re into an extra filling smoothness. This is because avocado has a rich, smooth texture that goes well with spicy mayo’s zestiness resulting in a combination that would leave anyone salivating. I know I do just writing this!

BBQ Sauce

BBQ sauce

To add a unique flavor profile to your Philly cheesesteak, you may use BBQ Sauce. You can use either of the two traditional types of BBQ sauce: the more vinegar based type or a tomato-based one.

Kansas City-style sauce is a favorite among people who prefer their Philly cheesesteaks served with barbecue sauce. It is made from tomatoes, nicely spiced with some smoke flavor resulting from spices and sugar such as molasses or brown sugar. Therefore, it enhances taste complexity by adding deeper flavors that go along well with the steak’s savory ingredients.

An alternate version is honey BBQ sauce if you want something milder and sweeter. The honey in this sauce together with barbeque make a good combination of tastes, I quite like the sweeter when it tastes. This touch of sweetness goes well with the saltiness of the steak and caramelized onions thus creating a nice contrast.

Hot Sauce

hot sauce for philly cheesesteak

Hot Sauce is a fiery and bold sauce option for those who love a spicy kick in their Philly cheesesteak. Whether you prefer a classic hot sauce like Tabasco or a more unique chili pepper-based sauce, adding this condiment can bring a burst of heat and flavor to the sandwich. 

Mushroom Gravy

Mushroom Gravy for Philii Cheese steak

If you’re looking to add a savory and rich flavor to your Philly cheesesteak, then mushroom gravy is the perfect choice. Made with sautéed mushrooms, onions, and a savory gravy base, this sauce brings a comforting and umami-packed taste to your sandwich. 

There’s something incredibly satisfying about the combination of tender steak, melted cheese, sautéed onions, and the rich flavors of mushroom gravy. The savory notes of the mushrooms and onions complement the meaty flavors of the steak, creating a harmonious blend of taste sensations.

Marinara Sauce

marinara sauce for philly cheesesteak

Marinara Sauce is a tangy and classic sauce option that can add a burst of tomato flavor to your Philly cheesesteak. Traditionally used in Italian cuisine, this tomato-based sauce pairs well with the steak and sautéed onions of a cheesesteak. 

Buffalo Sauce

buffalo sauce for philly cheesesteak

Buffalo Sauce is a spicy and tangy option that can add a kick of flavor to your Philly cheesesteak. Made with hot sauce, butter, and a splash of vinegar, this sauce brings a bold and zesty taste to the sandwich. 

Honey Mustard

Honey Mustard Sauce for Philly Cheesesteak

When it comes to adding a delightful flavor to your Philly cheesesteak, Honey Mustard is a perfect choice. 

 Whether you are a traditionalist when it come to Philly cheese steak or enjoy a fusion approach, adding Honey Mustard into your sandwich will make it different and tasty.

Just squeeze out some Honey Mustard on top of your cheesesteak and yum that is all!

Sriracha Mayo

sriracha mayo for philly cheesesteak

For a spice enthusiast who wants to add an intense and tangy flavor to their Philly cheesesteak, the answer is Sriracha Mayo. Combining tangy Sriracha sauce with mayonnaise results in this creamy and fiery relish that combines spiciness and acidity in one.

It can be slathered on the bread or directly mixed into the ingredients, giving your cheesesteak an explosion of taste that is fantastically rich. 

Truffle Aioli

Truffle Aioli for Philly CheeseSteak

This indulgent sauce option is made with a combination of truffle oil, garlic, and mayonnaise, creating a rich and earthy flavor that is simply irresistible.

The garlic provides a subtle kick, while the creamy mayonnaise binds all the flavors together, resulting in a truly decadent taste experience. For those seeking a gourmet twist on a beloved classic, Truffle Aioli is the perfect choice. 

I hope my top 15 Philly Steak Sauces has got you inspired! Enjoy!


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About the author

Sammy recently graduated with a Degree in English literature, she works part time for Kapnos Dining Club, reviewing the latest products both food and drink in the Grocery stores, as well as helping Noel edit and photograph the latest recipes.

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  1. In Philly and surrounding areas, the cheeeses you mention (whiz, provo, mozz, american) would go on a cheesesteak, but not the other stuff. Many Philly natives would say “…not a cheeseteak…” There is a version called a “Pizza Steak,” that is served with provo/mozzarella and red pizza sauce. There is also a cheesesteak hoagie; steak/cheese and hoagie ingredients (lettuce, tomato, onions, Italian dressing).

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