Dipping sauces for egg rolls

Published May 31, 2024

I love Egg rolls! The mixture of the crunch and the softer texture I find delicious. 


An eggroll is a savory roll stuffed with various vegetables, meat and sometimes fish or seafood, all wrapped up in a golden brown and crispy wrapper. People love them for their crunchiness and the variety of flavors they offer including cabbage, carrots, pork or shrimp fillings being common options. But what really makes an eggroll special is what you dip it into! The sauce makes this dish sing more than anything else can; sweet & sour or spicy tangy – the choice is yours on how far to take things from classic soy sauce alone (which itself transforms any basic snack into something truly memorable).

egg rolls

The Ultimate List of Sauces for Egg Rolls

The choice of sauce to dip your egg rolls in can make all the difference. Whether you want to try some homemade sauces or go for store-bought egg roll dipping sauces, there are many mouth-watering choices available. In this definitive guide on the best sauces for egg rolls, I will show you different tastes that could transform your experience with them entirely.

Spicy Mango Dipping Sauce


spicy mango dipping sauce

One recipe that I absolutely love is the hot mango dip. It perfectly combines sweet and spicy flavors, so it’s an ideal partner for crispy spring rolls.

The foundation of this sauce are ripe soft mangoes which not only adds sweetness but also gives it a vibrant hue. What I adore most about these fruits is their tropical taste that goes well with savory fillings found in egg wrappers. To make sure that there is heat involved, one can use either chopped small red peppers or some hot sauce drops. The chili cuts through sugar creating an enticing balance which makes it super Moorish.

A squeeze of lime supplies refreshing acidity while fish sauce or soy sauce contributes savouriness depth. Personally, I prefer blending everything until smooth then let sit for some time to allow flavors to mix together.

Every time when serving my spicy mango dip alongside spring rolls at gatherings, everyone always loves it! People just can’t get enough of such unique combinations where sweet meets tangy as well hotness mingles with delicacy; they find it quite different from regular soy or duck sauces commonly used for this dish totally raising it to a whole new level.

Spicy Peanut Dipping Sauce

Spicy peanut dipping sauce


Spicy Peanut Sauce is a complete game-changer where egg rolls are concerned. I first came across this sauce at a small family run Thai restaurant and it was love at first bite. The creamy richness of the peanut butter goes so well with the crispy outside of an egg roll, creating an amazing textural contrast. But what really sets it apart from other dipping sauces is its flavor.

The chili flakes give it some heat, while the lime juice adds tanginess that brightens up everything else going on in there too. A little soy sauce brings umami depth without being overpowering and honey rounds off all those flavors with just enough sweetness to make your taste buds smile. I like to dip not only my egg rolls into this sauce but also vegetables and chicken skewers – it’s that versatile. I remember a Malaysian Airline flight I was on from London to Bangkok they served skewers with Spicy Peanut/ Satay sauce and it was incredible. Best plane food ever!

To make spicy peanut dipping sauce couldn’t be easier if you tried! Smooth PB, soy sauce, lime juice, honey, chilli flakes (or powder) & water for thickness – whisk together et voila! You’ve got yourself a game changing dip which pairs perfectly with any type of spring roll whether homemade or bought from the shops – trust me when I say that these bad boys will take your tastebuds on an epic journey they won’t soon forget!. 

Soy Sauce

Soy sauce

For my collection of dipping sauces for egg rolls, soy sauce is essential. There’s something about it that I find perfectly matched with this dish; a simplicity of flavour which is at the same time complex and intriguing. When I sink my teeth into a crispy roll stuffed with ingredients such as meat or vegetables – or both – a naturally reach for some soy sauce!

An important element in the taste profile of an egg roll is its saltiness together with umami-richness imparted by soy sauce. And so, no matter whether my roll of choice contains just veggies or has some kind meat mixed in too – this salty sauce always helps to bring out more flavor.

Soy sauce can serve not only as one among many possible dip sauces but also act like foundation upon which other sauces may be built around. At times, what I do is mix rice wine vinegar together with some sesame oil before adding Soy sauce into this mixture, so yum.

Sweet and Sour Sauce


Sweet and Sour Sauce for Egg Rolls

Sweet and sour sauce has a special place in my heart. There is something about the combination of these two flavors that delights me to no end. When I dip an egg roll into sweet and sour sauce, I am instantly transported back to my favorite Chinese restaurant with its inviting smells and comforting atmosphere.

What makes this sauce so irresistible is its mix of ingredients which create such vibrancy. Typically vinegar, sugar, ketchup are blended together but sometimes pineapple juice or bell peppers are added for an extra taste sensation. The result is not only a sweet tanginess but also a little savoury depth to it too which goes perfectly well with any crispy filling found in an egg roll.

I love how visually appealing this dish becomes when you add in that bright red color from the sauce itself – it just makes everything even more mouth-watering!.

Peanut Sauce


peanut sauce for egg rollsThe crispy shell of the egg roll stuffed with a rich savory mixture is perfectly accompanied by its nutty flavor. Whenever I make peanut sauce (sometimes called Satay) at home, I always begin with smooth and creamy peanut butter. I then put in soy sauce to add some saltiness, rice vinegar for acidity, and honey to sweeten things up a little bit.

Another thing that makes a great peanut sauce is coconut milk; it gives the sauce a subtle creaminess which takes it to another level entirely. To give it some heat, I usually use sriracha or red pepper flakes. Freshly grated ginger and garlic are necessary for that aromatic punch while lime juice brings out all the flavors together.

Duck Sauce

Duck sauce

I have always liked duck sauce with my egg rolls. This tangy and sweet condiment is also referred to as plum sauce in different places because of its unique flavor that suits the crispy egg roll so well. However Duck and Plum Sauce are not exactly the same. It mainly consists of plums, apricots, vinegar, sugar and spices which give a perfect balance between sourness and sweetness.

Smoothness and bright color make it look beautiful and rich. There are some familiar fruity notes underlying those spices ,that create an interesting contrast with these savory fried snacks.

Every time I dip into duck sauce my mouth goes crazy with flavors. The vinegar’s slight zestiness blends perfectly well together with fruits’ natural sweetness; then just somewhere around there you catch this little warmth from the spice which kicks softly at your tongue. 

When I’m having an egg roll night at home, duck sauce becomes mandatory in my kitchen cupboard. 

Hot Mustard

Hot mustard sauce

What I love about Hot Mustard is how simple it is. Typically, mustard powder is mixed with water and sometimes a splash of vinegar for an extra tangy kick. This basic blend creates a sauce that’s complex in flavor but not complicated in structure. Depending on the brand or recipe, the level of heat may vary; however, there will always be enough warmth to leave a pleasant tingle without overpowering any other flavors on your tongue.

When I dip my egg roll into some Hot Mustard, I am hit with this zippy aromatic explosion right away. Each bite becomes spicy because you can really taste those mustard seeds’ natural spiciness which pack quite a punch. It’s not afraid to be bold – this stuff makes statements!

Hoisin Sauce

Hoi sin sauce

Among the lots of sauces that are used for dipping egg rolls, hoisin sauce has always been a goto favorite. Its thickness and rich dark color make it look good, but its taste is what makes it stand out. Hoisin sauce is created from a mixture of soybeans, garlic, vinegar and other spices and this gives it a sweet as well as savoury flavour which best complements the crispiness of egg rolls.

When I put an egg roll into some hoisin sauce, I get hit by an immediate burst of umami followed by hints of sweetness and spice. These different flavors can transform even the plainest egg roll into something amazing with every bite being a joy to eat. What I love most about it is how clingy the sauce becomes on the outside surface area of the eggroll thereby ensuring that every mouthful comes packed with its own distinctive taste…

Ginger Soy Dipping Sauce

Ginger soy sauce

The Ginger Soy sauce balances the flavors of this egg roll so well while adding a little kick. It establishes a soy sauce base that adds an earthy, savory and slightly salty taste which pairs with the crispiness of the egg rolls.

What makes the sauce even more exciting is ginger because it has got a lively kick to it as well as bringing in some kind of complexity both aromatic and spicy.I am impressed by how warm ginger goes with soy sauce creating such smooth mixture that is cooling too yet still having robustness. Rice vinegar gives a little sourness which helps to brighten up everything also cutting through richness from fillings used in wraps or rolls like eggs but not only them.

Occasionally I prefer including sesame oil (and seeds) just for some additional nutty flavor into my sauces plus sprinkling green onions or seeds over them which provides texture contrast besides being visually appealing too (as in the above photo). 

Teriyaki Sauce

teriyaki sauce for egg rollsTeriyaki sauce is known as one of the most famous Japanese sauces made from a blend of soy sauce, sake, and sugar. It gives egg rolls an excellent taste since it has a lot of flavor.

Mixing soy sauce, mirin, sugar and ginger creates a combination that explodes with different tastes in your mouth. What I like about this is how sweet teriyaki sauces are against salty fillings for egg rolls – be it pork or chicken or vegetables. Its slight thickness makes it an excellent coating rather than just a dipping sauce.

Chili Sauce

Chili sauce

If you want to make your egg rolls more exciting, chili sauce is the way to go. This hot and tasty sauce gives a great punch to your egg rolls which is perfect for those who like some heat. It made from chili peppers, vinegar and other ingredients that give it a tangy kick that brings out all the flavors in an egg roll.

Why not make it yourself! This recipe is a great way of making a Chili Sauce at home that easily rivals the store bought ones.

Thanks for checking out the top 10 best sauces for Dipping sauces for Egg Rolls! Which one is your favorite let me know in the comments? Want some advise on where to get the best versions of these sauces, or need a recipe again let me know in the comments!

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About the author

Noel’s first job was working in the kitchen of an American restaurant in the UK at the age of 16, washing up and busing! He eventually progressed to salads and desserts, and his love for food was set! In his 20’s he travelled the world Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand and has now visited over 40 countries, enjoying the local food and drink! He now writes about it here sharing the latest recipes, and reviews on all types of foods and Drink.

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